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NFC Communication of label information

As 74% of the Dutch population between the 16 and 60 years old are actively using social networks, among which 28% on a daily basis. It has passed the time of being an hype and the conclusion could be drawn, that it is a valuable and suitable marketing- or communication model.


Research has shown that only 7% of the consumers in question actively read the information on the labels. Also has been shown that quality depends on fibre composition, finishing, production processes, the way it affects nature and the social responsibility. Therefore not only the wash and care label needs to be read, but the composition, ecological footprint and the production country as well as the obtained certificates by the manufacturer too. 


As this has been said, it is obvious to say that people are getting lazier. They don’t want to make any effort. Even scanning the QR code is too much effort. This has led to technological innovations in which people pay via their phone and travel without a paperticket but a personal travelcard. So why shouldn’t we apply this into the clothing industry? Aren’t we trying to achieve a transparent industry in which the consumer has insight in the origin of their product?


This was the reason and motivation for me to brainstorm about the idea of using technology into the clothing industry by the use of NFC chips. Please continue reading for more information about this project...

One of the last inventions regarding technological communication is the QR code. This personal code navigates your gadget or device to the website associated with the personal QR code. The most recent development within this branch is the application of the NFC chip.


NFC stands for Near Field Communication, which is a wireless communication method like WIFI.  It is applicable for information flows in both directions. The chip contains an antenna in order to receive and send information. The chip is implemented into gadgets and devices like mobile phones and tablets and therefore does not require any power supply as it gets its energy from the NFC-‘reader’, like mobile phones.


NFC chips can be used in three different ways, it can carry out one act at a time or it could carry out multiple acts at one and it is even possible to use it as a switch or to perform a circuit by scanning it once, it turns ‘on’ and scanning it the next time, it will turn ‘off’.

To apply this communicating system in the fashion industry and to make the consumers read the information previously written on the labels, carrying out a single act would have been enough. However products contain different quality aspects that need to be shown, like ecological footprints, fibre compositions and a wash & care label. This requires already multiple pop ups. Additionally to make the system valuable for companies and brands extra features are necessary. Therefore the ‘multiple act’ system will be used.


The communicating process will now be explained stepwise;


The NFC chip will be placed in pockets of the products, think of a five-pocket jeans or the pockets inside a bag. For products without pockets, the chip will be placed in the brand label. One of advantages is the fact that the distance required for reading the chip is adjustable per product. Consumers do not want to be bothered with information they do not need. This means that the distance per product depends on the placement of the tag. The distance needs to be small enough to avoid information of other products in a store, but it also needs to be read without doing the effort to scan the chip. So this means that when a chip is placed inside a pocket, the chip will only be read when the phone is inside or near the pocket. When the chip is placed in the brand label in the neck for instance, the distance needs to be small enough to only scan the information when the person is wearing it or trying it on.


So once the information is automatically scanned by the device, it will pop up at the screens. The information will be shown in multiple pages depending on the amount of different subjects. Research has shown that 30% of the consumers associates advertisements with annoying. 

To avoid that the same information will pop up every time the devices is close enough to the chip, the feature to save your product will be added. Instead of closing the page, you will save the information in a database. This option will give the ability to view the information at any time and will solve the problem of cutting of the labels. Besides it will show a person’s entire collection and could therefore contribute to a reduction of waste and unnecessary purchases which will positively affect the principle of sustainability.


Because of the available, personal information of the consumer, marketing and advertisement will be set up. This feature makes it interesting for brands to investigate in the communication system because it will result in a higher turnover. Brand and product preferences will be stored in history as well as sizes and expenses. Marketing tools will be applied which will end up in advertisements of products that meet the preferences of the costumer and will be shown on social media, comparable websites and suggestion pop ups.


Another feature concerns the information flow in the other direction. The brands will benefit from the direct connection with the consumer, when consumers are able to provide brands of information as well. Consumers are in touch with each other and with the brand and create a community in which they share information with each other. So allowing the consumer to share their opinion and feedback, makes them feel heard and will improve the forecast for next season and could play a part in the decision making process regarding carry overs etc. Eventually this leads to a reduction of the costs and potentially higher sales.


Additionally, already existing elements and processes could be implanted into the system as well. Possibilities are, the alarm system as well as the communication the price.


There are hardly any complaints against this system, even the safety of use and the impact on humans health is not an issue. It is a so-called, passive chip, which does not cause any radiation, but is just a method to store information that will be read by other devices.

The chip is available in in different materials, sizes, colours and with different amounts of data storage. The most suitable edition is the plastic or PVC version of the chip. This type of chip is water resistant, which means it can easily be washed and cleaned. This type also contains a big memory storage and in case it is not able to be sewn into the garment, it has an adhesive side which will stick to every smooth material. 


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