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Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is cotton which is produced according to the internationally recognized organic farming standards. 

Organic cotton production does not simply mean replacing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides with organic ones. Organic cultivation methods are based more on knowledge of agronomic processes than input-based conventional production is.The systemic approach aims to establish a diverse and balanced farming ecosystem which ideally includes all types of crops and farm activities. Farms need to complete a two-year conversion period to change their production system from conventional to organic. An essential element of organic production is the careful selection of varieties adapted to local conditions in terms of climate, soil and robustness to pests and diseases. 


Farmers, traders, retailers and consumers all benefit from the economic, social and ecological advantages of organic cotton projects.

Benefits for farmers:

- Belanced ecosystem and enhanced health

- Improved economic situation and food security

- Improved access to markets

- Training and education


Benefits for traders and retailers

-Participate in a dynamic market

-Traceability, risk and quality management

-Contribution to ecological and social sustainability

- Credibility & Image


Benefits for consumers

-Buy a healthy product

-Traceability clear standards and labels

-Do good for the environment

-Have a psotive impact on producers livelihoods


Fairtrade Cotton

Fairtrade is primarily a social label and focuses on improving the working and living conditions of smallholder farmers. However, Fairtrade standards also include environmental criteria. 

Organic is explicitly linked to environmentally friendly agriculture. It is not just the environment that benefits from its ban on the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides; farmers’ health is all the better for it too.

Fairtrade and organic complement each other perfectly. Combining the two is a way of strengthening the position of farming families socially and environmentally as well as supporting their development efforts.

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